Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Home at last!

Whew! Made it back to the Bay after what seemed like an endless series of flights and layovers (actually it wasn't that bad, but still -- it feels good to be sitting on my couch instead of a plane).

I'm sooo glad to be back, though it does seem a bit surreal to look out my window and not see rickshaws, stray dogs, and paan-wallahs everywhere. Good in some ways, not so good in others. I'm really really really glad I made the trip, especially with partner in crime Goochi -- next time I won't let ten years pass before I visit again!

So, the real question is, has India changed as much as everyone said it had? In some ways, YES, but in others, not really.

The changes I noticed were a lot more consumer-oriented: malls, cell phones, chain restaurants, and, at least in Bombay, a more accepting attitude towards things Western.

The things that felt the same were: staring at "foreigners" in smaller towns, the way most transactions and interactions involve a clear power dynamic, and the sights, sounds, and smells :)

Speaking of sights, I caught a glimpse of one of my favorite Bollywood actors, Aamir Khan, on the street in Lokhandwalla the day before I left. Sumer, the driver, pointed him out as he walked past our parked car. Nobody else seemed to notice him or bat an eye as he walked down the road -- I gawked like a typical Amreekan tourist.

Pictures are up. Enjoy!

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